CBTi ...

Lesson 1 – Introduction

How to Cure Insomnia

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“Lesson Summary:

NOTE: I maintain this website as a public good & spend little time maintaining it.  Please alert me if you notice a broken link so I can fix it.  Thanks – Dennis

  • Everything you need to know how to cure insomnia and sleep solutions that nobody is telling you.
  • Meet the team.
  • What to expect for the rest of the Cure Insomnia Course.

 Lesson Notes:

  •  This course is based on CBTi or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia, the most thoroughly researched, proven and recommended “how to cure insomnia method” on the planet.
  • This course is not a quick fix.  It will take courage and perseverance to complete but WILL give sleep solutions.
  • Introduction to our seasoned, professional guests: Dr. Daniel Erichsen and Michael Schwartz.
  •  Why CBTi could be considered a miracle cure.


To receive the free infographic showing all 5 CBTi elements and how they work together, contact me at  dennis@sleeptohealthy.com , or text: 408-909-8866 or fill in the form on the contact page. (this request does not sign you up for anything)


Guest – Michael Schwartz:

Podcast & Blog: Sleep On Q – Sorry – No longer active

iOS App: Sleep on Cue


Audio Transcript: (Reader friendly version)

Hello, welcome to Sleep…. to Healthy. I’m your instructor Dennis Trumpy, and this is lesson #1 of the sleep to healthy how to sleep better class. This lesson is titled “Sleep Hope for the Sleep Deprived”. In this lesson you will learn about this course, what to expect and why you should be hopeful that your insomnia can finally be cured.

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I guess now is a good time to mention something about the sound effects. Since listening to a lecture without visuals can be boring, I will be using sound effects and background music to help hold your attention, make the lectures more enjoyable, and make it easier for you to learn the material. I hope you don’t find them too annoying and they bring you a smile.

(music tapers out}
In its simplest terms, this course tells you what you can do to sleep better so you can stop feeling like crap and start functioning more successfully in your work and life.
Already tried, me like you: Since you’re attending this course, you have probably already tried everything under the sun to improve your sleep, but without success. You can take comfort in knowing that I was like you. I had insomnia for decades and had resigned myself to a life of poor sleep. My insomnia was triggered by several young children who woke me regularly each night. Added onto this were job stresses and financial anxiety. This set me up for a pattern of sleepless nights and bleak days.

Over the years I had developed several techniques to help with sleep solutions with various levels of success. For instance, I meditated at bedtime and found relaxing audiobooks and podcasts that helped me return to sleep when I was awake in the middle of the night. But it wasn’t until I interviewed several sleep experts and researched the science of sleep that I discovered an evidence-based method of how to cure insomnia called CBTi or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia for sleep solutions.

The results of that research and testing have resulted in this course. Today I normally have good night’s sleeps, feel refreshed and function well. This podcast is designed to save you the many hours and thousands of dollars I spent to find a way to a better night’s sleep.

The Course If you complete this course, by the end of the last lesson you will have the knowledge and skills you need to sleep much better. As mentioned, the course is based on CBTi or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia. This is a technical sounding name, but I present the material in a very hands-on, non-technical fashion. As you will learn, CBTi is the most evidence based, thoroughly researched and endorsed method to cure insomnia, but you have probably never heard of it. We will learn more about CBTi and why it is not promoted in the popular media in future lessons.

Since listening to a lecture without visuals can be boring, I will be using sound effects and background music to help hold your attention. I hope you don’t find them too annoying and they bring you a smile. A warning is in order. . This is not a list of quick fixes and tweaks to your lifestyle. It is a challenging, difficult transition requiring you to sacrifice and be persistent. You took months or years to develop your insomnia. It will be hard to dislodge your unhelpful habits and beliefs. You know firsthand how difficult insomnia is to shake. You will benefit from this course exactly to the degree that you are willing to do the assignments. If you doubt your ability to persist and accurately follow the instructions, I will offer a variety of supports to help you on your trek. So, if you are up to it, join me on this journey of discovery and experience as we tackle your insomnia once and for all.

Introduction of guests: The Sleep to Healthy course is not a solo effort. Sleep experts will be helping with the lessons. They’re seasoned professionals at helping people, like you, to learn how to improve their sleep and cure their insomnia. They will appear from time to time during the course so you can benefit from their expertise.

The first is Dr. Daniel Erichsen… Dr. Erichsen, can you please introduce yourself [Daniel Intro]. Thank you Dr. Erichsen.
Next up is Michael Schwartz… Michael, why don’t you tell us who you are. [Michael Intro] Thanks Michael (Michael has monitored thousands of patients in the sleep lab. You are oblivious of what is happening during your sleep, but Michael knows first-hand what is going on, so his perspective is invaluable).

All of our sleep experts have been a great help in achieving the goal of having a podcast-based course on improving sleep. Now many people from around the globe can benefit from this amazing method to improve sleep. Thank you to our special guests.

Before telling a bit more about the course, podcast and how it works, I would like to leave you with some words of encouragement from Michael Schwartz:
That wraps up our lesson for today. The next episode is lesson #2 and is titled “Sleep, Insomnia and You” {5 Play a audio clip – Daniel -– no negative health effects from low sleep}. Lesson #2 is an important episode to listen to because it will introduce the concepts that will be used in all the future lessons, so be sure to tune in to that one. . I look forward to seeing you there.
(6 transition) My mission for this course is to offer the best cure for insomnia on the internet. I have one burning question for you to answer: What would I need to do for you to recommend this course to someone else with insomnia? Leave me your answer by going to sleeptohealthy.com and using any of the many contact methods on the site. Or you could text me or leave a message right now at 1-408-9903882, or email me at dennis@sleeptohealthy.com, that’s Dennis with 2 N’s.

You can also use the same methods to contact me with any questions you have that would help you on your journey to a better night’s sleep.  As a bonus, if you go to the website and click on the Infographic button, I will send you my exclusive infographic that displays the 6 CBTi elements and how they work together to cure your insomnia. This is not available anywhere else on the web.   <6Transition>:
This podcast is not a substitute for advice from a qualified healthcare professional. The sole purpose of this podcast is to educate and entertain. As we do not know your particulars, we cannot and do not provide professional or medical advice or services. We strongly encourage you to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating any ideas in this podcast.
Listeners who use the information in this podcast do so at their own risk. The guests on this podcast express their own opinions, beliefs and conclusions which is neither supported nor opposed by the podcast and host. The podcast does not fact check information provided.

You don’t need tons of sleep trivia and people’s opinions about sleep. You just need to know proven instructions on what you can do today, to sleep better tonight, so you can feel and function better tomorrow. This allows you to repeat lessons as it’s hard to absorb all the knowledge the first time through, and the information will make more sense after you have the context of the whole course.

You, like most people, will likely benefit from repeated listening. The lessons will be updated based on student feedback. So, the next time you listen to the same lesson, it may be improved since last time. And that’s about it. Thanks for joining my in my sleep class. I look forward to seeing you again on the next episode of the sleep to healthy podcast. See you then.